
Dr. Fokko Jelto Eller

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„Feedback is important to me because it promotes personal and professional growth."

Dr. Fokko Jelto Eller, Head of Human Resources, AFC Claims GmbH

We talk to decision-makers and role models about feedback. The short interviews will be published here. Employee feedback is more than just an HR topic!

Why is feedback important?

Feedback is important to me because it promotes personal and professional growth. Through feedback, we can adjust and improve our actions and behavior, thereby contributing to the establishment of a culture of open communication and collaboration.

What was your worst feedback?

My worst feedback was unobjective and personally offensive. It was particularly frustrating for me because it was given unexpectedly and without context.

How important is feedback in change processes?

Feedback plays a central role in change processes. When used correctly, feedback can provide clear indications of whether current strategies and actions are effective or need to be adjusted. Overall, feedback is an essential tool for improving self-regulation, overcoming obstacles, and successfully shaping the change process.


Yasmin El-Nigoly, Customer Success Manager, Loopline Systems



Dr. Fokko Jelto Eller, Head of Human Resources, AFC Claims GmbH