Loopline Systems Software Feedback Mitarbeiter Gespräche

Feedback & Surveys

Here's some basic information about how to use LoopNow. You can select the topic you want to learn more about from the list below. Alternatively, you can go directly to the step-by-step instructions for specific use cases, such as 360° surveys:


To the step-by-step instructions


loopline systems icon gespraeche

Create surveys

Create and send surveys with a few clicks.


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loopline systems icon feedback

Invite team members

Add users to the system and download a sample invitation text.

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loopline systems icon anonyme umfrage

Ensure anonymity

Here you can find out everything you need to know about anonymity.

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loopline systems icon loopnow peer feedback

Manage visibility into results

Control which users can see the results of a survey.


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loopline systems icon echtzeit analyse


The heatmap & the spider graph give you a quick overview of results per department, location or project.


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loopline systems icon karriere weiterbildung

Set roles

In LoopNow, admins, managers and team members have access to different functions.


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loopline systems icon youtube

Onboarding Video

Find here an onboarding video for regular users and managers


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